Writing articles is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field, generate quality leads and enhance your search engine rankings. If you're involved in writing articles on a regular basis as a small or independent business owner, then chances are you'll want to produce as many articles as you can in the shortest possible time. Writing articles quickly takes skill and practice, but the good news is that if you apply some of the tips I offer below, then it's not that difficult. In the end you'll be able to not only write your articles more quickly, but write more articles with higher quality.
Here are some top tips based on my experiences:
Article Marketing Tip 1 - Organize Your Thoughts Before You Start Writing
That's why its incredibly important to identify your article topic before you start writing. One way to do this is to mind map as many different topics as possible. Start with a blank piece of paper, write one though in the middle of the paper and begin jotting down as many related topics as you can to that original topic, or any ideas that come from the original topic. Don't stop until you have run out of ideas. You will want to at least generate 10 ideas and ideally 25.
That's why its incredibly important to identify your article topic before you start writing. One way to do this is to mind map as many different topics as possible. Start with a blank piece of paper, write one though in the middle of the paper and begin jotting down as many related topics as you can to that original topic, or any ideas that come from the original topic. Don't stop until you have run out of ideas. You will want to at least generate 10 ideas and ideally 25.
Article Marketing Tip 2 - Start by Asking a Question
A common mistake is to start writing an article and then after a couple of paragraphs start thinking "so what do I write now!" One of the best ways to start your article is with a question and then continuing that logic and answering that question in the body of your article. The best part about starting your article with a question is that you are able to connect with your reader by beginning a conversation at their current mental state. In addition, a question posted in a headline is very intriguing and has a way of increasing the curiosity of a potential reader to read further. So, once you have a question to guide you on

Article Marketing Tip 3 - List Bullet Points
Once you've asked a question, list your answers to the question as bullet points. This is a great tip for writing articles quickly. Go through each bullet point and then add more information to it. If you can, throw in an example for each point. It's much easier to write that way. That's why it's a good idea to bullet point the topics to cover and then expand on each one.
Article Marketing Tip 4 - Just Write Until its Done
One you have determined your topic, posed the right question and put your bullet list of answers together, then just write. Write and don't stop writing until you are done. Don't worry about grammar, tone, sentence structure, spelling or any other nonsense. Just write until you have written everything you need to in order to answer the question. When you are finished, then go back and edit your writing. You don't have to make it perfect, just readable.
Article Marketing Tip 5 - Practice
The key to writing articles quickly is to just get it done. Write, write, and keep writing. It sounds obvious I know, but it's amazing what the practice of writing can do for you in terms of increasing your efficiency. By increasing your proficiency and ability to write, you will naturally improve your efficiency.
Article Marketing Tip 6 - Time Yourself
One simple, but overlooked tip is to time yourself while writing articles. It may not seem pleasant, but what you don't measure you can't manage. By timing yourself, not only will you create a baseline measure for your future performance, but you will give yourself the time pressure to really focus your mind mind! Start by giving yourself 15 minutes to write an article, and then gradually decrease it over time. Once you've got some experience it's
By Gabe E Singer
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